whiskey, banjos, and ruckus

Fall 2009 – Towson University, Baltimore, MD
(featuring the Bald Mountain Band)

March 17 – 20, 2010 – Salvage Vanguard Theater, Austin, TX
(featuring the White Ghost Shivers, and opening act Aileen Adler)

August 10 – 25, 2012 – Salvage Vanguard Theater, Austin, TX
(featuring the White Ghost Shivers)

Directed and Adapted (from FupDuck by Jim Dodge) by Caroline Reck

Featuring  (2009) Temple Crocker, Ben King, Sarah Lloyd, Julia M. Smith, Susan Stroupe, and the Bald Mountain Band.

(2010) Connor Hopkins,  Joe Carpenter, Devo Carpenter,  Chris Gibson, and the White Ghost Shivers

(2012) Connor Hopkins, Gricelda Silva, Parker Dority, Joe Carpenter, Devo Carpenter, Noel Gaulin, Zac Crofford, Chris Gibson, Dallas Tate, and the White Ghost Shivers

Lighting Design by Stephen Pruitt (2012)  Scenic Design by Connor Hopkins (2012)  Costumes by Lucie Cunningham Puppets by Caroline Reck

Based on the novela Fup by Jim Dodge, FupDuck centers on a foul-mouthed, back-woods octogenarian Jake and his gentle giant of a grandson, Tiny. Fup is their ornery twenty-pound duck.

The story follows this non-traditional family’s ongoing feud with the wild boar, Lockjaw, who leads them to a wry examination of what it means to live and how it is to die. Featuring large-scale practical hand puppets and accompanied by live honky-tonk ruckus from the Austin’s own ‘insane collision of ragtime, jazz, swing, bluegrass, cabaret, and vaudeville,’  The White Ghost Shivers.

Winner of B. Iden Paynes for Outstanding Direction of a Comedy & Outstanding Original Script (2012)

Recipient of a Henson Foundation Project Grant

“FupDuck is a puppet show with a lot of other stuff going on … unlike some shows one might see in which there’s a live band over on one side and a play on the other."